Wednesday 7 August 2013

Teacher Binder Update

After teaching for 10 years you would think that one would have it together. And I'm sure that I do, but until I see everything in place I continue to feel like I don't. Yesterday, my sister and I went into school - boys & dog in tow. "Zoodle", my 5 year old {youngest} son and my sister, Jazz, touched up the paint in my room while I laminated oodlesof classroom decor and folders. Afterwards, Jazz cut out all of the laminating while I tackled my MO of the day - my teacher binder and my Reading Workshop Binder. I just don't feel ready until these two binders are ready for the year. I have attached pictures of my teacher binder below. Once I update the cover of my Reading Workshop Binder I will post pictures of that too.
First section houses the weekly schedules for both my classroom and the students that are in resource so I know when they will be pulled out of class.
The next page is my beginning of the year letter.  I keep this here because believe-it-or-not many parents and students will say  "You never told us that!"  This way I can easily refer back to the letter that was sent home at the beginning of the year.  This year I am planning on turning it into a brochure style of pamphlet (thanks to some ideas I've seen on a few blogs lately!)
The next section is a year calendar.  I am so thankful for Teachers Pay Teachers, where I found this calendar that I absolutely adore!  I have this calendar in here, a copy in my Reading Workshop binder and a copy hanging on the info bulletin board by my desk in the classroom.
I also found this "Peek of the Week" on Teachers Pay Teachers.  This will be the first year that I use this set up.  I am putting it in front of my daily plans for each week.  This way I can see any important things in a glance.  I also have a picture of it on my phone so I can pull it up anywhere.
I started using this day plan format last year and LOVED it!  I found it on a teacher blog as well and then adjusted it to suit my needs.  I save the template right on my icloud account so I can access this anywhere (like in the dentist office which seems to be a place I spend A LOT of time with the kiddos).
At the back of my daily plans section I keep a copy of the classroom newsletter.  This year though I am planning on implementing a class blog for the first time with daily homework updates as well as upcoming events and possibly fun classroom pics.  I would love that all of my parents subscribe to this blog via email so they will receive all of the updates each time I enter new information. 
This next section - my pride and joy - is my curriculum map for the entire year down to the day.  After 10 years of teaching, I know that things don't work out that way, but at least I have everything planned out so I have a great guide as to where I should be in the curriculum.  Places that I usually am a bit behind in are socials and science - we get so into these lessons that they tend to take a bit longer than planned.  Flexibility is key!
My extracurricular duties list for the staff.  Mine are highlighted in green.
In this section I can easily find all of the cool printables that I find on teacher blogs or pinterest.  I have them listed by subject in here.  This way I can eaily pull them out and use the idea or copy the worksheet for the students to use.  They are usually "exxtras" that I pull out for review or to spice up an old lesson.
I do have one other section on student info in this binder - contact info, health concerns, etc. But my amazing Admin Assistant prepares all of that info for us and gives it to us sometime this month.

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