Thursday 19 July 2012

A Rainy Day = A Trip to School

It has been either exceptionally hot here or pouring rain....ugh!  But one thing about being cooped up inside....productivity!  Since my builder husband was unable to work today {due to the weather}, I took advantage of him being home to watch the kiddies and drove off to school for some library organization, photocopying, and laminating. 

Before I began, I took the opportunity of an empty classroom to snap some pics.  It's amazing how easily you forget what your classroom and bulletin boards look like ~ but I guess that's what can happen when you have taught there for as long as I have ;)

This is the front black board wall - usually I cover 4 out of the 5 black boards since I usually use my LCD projector and document camer for any whole group lessons.

Emergency Exit wall....I LOVE having an outside door on my classroom ~ great breezes!

Back Wall ~ first half

Back Wall ~ second half (and classroom library)

Entry wall....usually do my CAFE (this year CRAFT) board here.

Oodles of laminating that I brought home to cut!!  CRAFT & VOICES bulletin boards (thanks to Ladybug!!), some things from Clutter Free, and a socials bulletin board that I created.

Time to start cutting!!

  Well, at least all of the cutting will keep me busy during the rainy day they are predicting for tomorrow .....that and I found my bread maker!!  I already have a loaf of banana bread on the go and plenty of zucchini bread to follow! 

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